Thursday, November 15, 2007

Holywood Diet

We all know that todays typical appearance should be utlra, ultra thin right? Well how can you say no when all you see these days on MTV are potentional wannabe models on the show Americas Next Top Model and girls with nice bodies dancing in the music videos. Famous actresses such as Lindsay Lohan, Jennifer Aniston and Paris Hilton fill the tabloids with their tiny bodies. So, how are girls today suppose to feel comfortable in their own skin? By going on Weight Watchers, joining Jenny Craig, the South Beach Diet and even the Hollywood Diet. NO! However, a lot of talking has been going on about the Hollywood Diet and how condtradictory it is.

Eric Greenspan, owner and chef of a restaurant in Hollywood says "They spend their whole lives obsessing over a healthy body, so they come to a restaurant like mine and order their salmon steamed and then wake up at 2 a.m. and go to Tommy’s and get chili cheese fries.” Boulevards in Hollywood are covered with hot-dog stands, taco carts and stand-alone cupcake shops that open every other month! As one of the young women in todays 21st century I feel that young girls shouldnt be pressured to change their appearances just because you have these wealthy young girls and women "drowning" in money, which most of them probably use to make themselves skinnier and younger looking =) So just be YOU!

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